CORMAC has been awarded a prime contract by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for both the National Medicare Utilization Database (NMUD) and Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS) to provide maintenance, developmental enhancements, and special projects to support both the Medicare and Medicaid data repositories/applications.
“Our main objective is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the National Medicare Utilization Database (NMUD) and the Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS) operations and the timely implementation of statutory and regulatory requirements,” said CORMAC President Dominic Raj. We are thrilled with this award as it further expands CORMAC’s breadth of data expertise in Medicare and Medicaid and underscores our continued commitment to CMS. As it stands now, CORMAC supports 95% of the Post-Medicare Claims workflow for CMS. It’s spread across two of our prime contracts, National Claims History (NCH) suite of systems and NMUD-MSIS.
The NMUD system houses all Medicare Parts A and B claims from 1998 through the present. The data is housed by claim type and calendar year based on the date of service. Each calendar year consists of approximately1.5 billion claim transactions. The primary Medicare (NMUD) input originates with the claims files from the National Claims History (NCH) data repository.
The primary Medicaid input is MSIS, which originates with the VALIDS flat files, which are created from data submitted directly by the States. The Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS) consists of thousands of flat files from States feeding one DB2 data repository. Data collection began October 1998 and continued through September 2015. Each fiscal year houses approximately 2.2 billion eligibility and claims transactions; approximately 1 terabyte of data per federal fiscal year. There are 5 types of MSIS files – Eligible (EL), Inpatient (IP), Long Term (LT), Pharmacy (RX), and Other (OT).
CORMAC is very pleased to be teamed with IBM for this effort. IBM brings unmatched NMUD and MSIS system and data knowledge to ensure the continued success of these key CMS systems. THE NMUD/MSIS contract was awarded for $10.7M, and is composed of a base year plus 4 Option Years.